
Tattoo Shops in Abilene, Texas
Tattoo Shops in Abilene, Texas
Tattoo Shops in Abilene, Texas
Unfortunately for me, I started getting tattoos late in life. But, it's like eating a Lays potato chip - ya just can't stop after one. Now, I have some cool ink that reflects what I'm all about. And, all of my ink has been done right here in the Abilene...
Dave’s Facebook Joke About Getting a Tattoo Becomes a Social Experiment
Dave’s Facebook Joke About Getting a Tattoo Becomes a Social Experiment
Dave’s Facebook Joke About Getting a Tattoo Becomes a Social Experiment
As a rule, I tend to keep my humor at a "5" on the controversy scale of 1-10 on my social network pages. I do this because, I have several people on my 'friends list' who might not be ready for the full experience of my sense of humor. Well, the other day I decided to play a little joke on my Facebook friends by announcing how excited I was to be getting my first tattoo.
Good News! Butthole Tattoos Are Now a Thing [NSFW VIDEO]
Good News! Butthole Tattoos Are Now a Thing [NSFW VIDEO]
Good News! Butthole Tattoos Are Now a Thing [NSFW VIDEO]
A tattoo can be the perfect artistic expression of something you feel very strongly about. Tattoos are no longer just for sailors, soldiers and inmates. A lot of people have them and a lot of people like to show them off. They have settled in the main stream. But are they for buttholes?

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