There is nothing more adorable than these puppies discovering ice cubes. They eat them, roll around with them and get them stuck to their paws and it's adorable.
If you've ever owned a puppy you know it can be a daunting task to potty train them. They have to learn to hold it, not go on the carpet and to let you know when they need to go outside. That's a lot of stuff for a puppy.
Animals become so much a part of our families we often treat them as if they were human. Apparently, they to believe they are human. These dogs in this video make wonderful parent substitutes/baby sitters.
I don't know what you were planning on doing for the rest of today, but you can put it off until tomorrow. Someone has set up the most adorable live webcam, and these puppies aren't getting any younger.
Just as the Puppy Bowl sits as the heavily popular (or pupular) alternative to America's favorite Sunday night time-waster the Super Bowl, Conan O'Brien once again introduced his own alternative to watching his own show.
Cat and dog lovers alike will be grinning after this one, in which Buster busts out some MacGyver moves on a sliding door to help his puppy friends get back into the house.
Charlie Head is already the kind of guy who kind of makes you look bad, and he's about to make you look worse. He's an extreme paddleboarder who was on his way from Cornwall to London when he happened to notice something on a small collection of rocks...
This Pomeranian pup hears the sounds of a wolfpack howling from a YouTube video and at first, these calls of the wild seem to have the little fellow worried. But after a few curious head tilts, the puppy gets into the spirit and starts howling right along.