Unlock the secrets behind the most played songs by legendary emo and pop-punk bands. Dive into the live stats for a deeper look at their music journey.
The band that brought us infectious tunes like "My Own Worst Enemy" and "Miserable" are coming to rock Abilene for the 1st time on October 5th.
That's right, we've got Lit coming to town and we're super stoked about this show.
If you have been wondering where the band Lit went, then look no further. The band is back with a new album and a tour. Lead singer, A. Jay Popoff, recently called in to the Rock 108 studios and we talked about the new album, the death of their drummer, Allen Shellenberger, and touring.
Who doesn't like free stuff? I'm not talking coupons, high fives, or bumper stickers. Don't get me wrong, those are cool. But I'm talking about cash, concert tickets, electronics, trips, and more. If that's what you want, then check out my top 5 contests that you want to enter this week.
Simple enough, each day we'll feature 2 new songs at 6pm with Chaz, then you vote for your favorite here. Any song that wins 5 in a row gets retired to the Cage Match Hall of Fame.