The Weekend Buzz is back for another round of shameless taste testing. This time around we'll crack open Anheuser Busch favorites just in time for The Big Game.
Few things give me chill bumps like the thought of Major League Baseball's Opening Day. As a lifelong, die-hard White Sox fan, I find myself aching for that first pitch that matters every season. If you share the same affinity for baseball, Hall of Famer Ozzie Smith has a petition for you to sign.
Choosing the 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials of 2014 was no easy task, but we have narrowed this year's library of amazing ads down to the best of the best.
Budweiser and Hallmark. Two companies that create commercials that make me cry. This particular commercial features the Budweiser Clydesdale horses and some super cute puppies who are being adopted out.
Horse racing, especially those in the Triple Crown, is stereotypically an event filled with the rich and pompous. What you don't typically see at a horse race when flipping on the tube is the 'party' that goes on. Judging by this video, it appears The Preakness Stakes wasn't immune to funny drunken behavior.
Those "Gentle Giants" more commonly known as the "Budweiser Clydesdales" are coming to Abilene to the Western Heritage Classic May 9-11, at the Taylor County Expo Center. The best place for West Texans to get their first view of the famed Budweiser Clydesdales will be at the 'Western Heritage Parade' at 6:30 p.m. on May 9th as they pull the Budweiser wagon through the streets o
We all remember the Budweiser Clydesdales, right? Those magnificent horses pulling a carriage fit for a king? Well, it looks like we’ll be seeing them again during the Super Bowl 2012 commercials.
Two recreational hockey teams in Port Credit, Ontario were told they were going to be a part of a documentary, but instead they found themselves smack-dab in the middle of a Budweiser Canada Super Bowl 2012 commercial. Rather than play a joke on the unsuspecting athletes, however, it turns out that the beer brand actually made their dreams come true.
Anheuser-Busch will be rolling out a redesigned can for its iconic Budweiser brand this summer. Bud’s first updated look in ten years will feature more red then before, and will give more space to Budweiser’s bow-tie shaped logo.