Higher wages do not always result in higher prices. If they did, we aren't you complaining about the CEO's making insane amounts of money instead of complaining about the "burger flippers"?

hamburger fries Americans Continue To Consume Beef Products Despite First Case Of Mad Cow Disease In US
Justin Sullivan, Getty

You don't even realize you're being played.  "Burger flippers".  Have you ever worked a grill?  I did. You don't just "flip burgers". Chief among the miserable jobs is cleaning it with a grill stone at the end of the night. I've done hot tar work on roofs on a summer day and it was not as miserable as working a grill stone. The "burger flippers" are also going to clean fryers, mop floors, clean bathrooms and take a high ration of crap from customers who don't appreciate a thing they do. But "they don't get my order right" you whine. Well, maybe if it was an experienced employee they would. Instead we get a high turnover of employees who didn't realize how much crap work was involved.  Then there's the latest argument, if employee wages go up to much, they'll replace them with computers. Well, you know people have to make, deliver, run and fix those computers don't you? You know they need internet service and virus protection? You know that people do those jobs too , and those people make a hell of a lot more money?  And the minimum is not just for "burger flippers" but for guys that change tires, dig ditches and do other back breaking work.

Are you also aware that when people make more, they buy more? And are you aware that you are paying for them to be on welfare because they can't make enough money working a minimum wage job and that your are effectively subsidizing that businesses?  A quick check shows that Wendy's outgoing CEO in 2011 was making $4.6 million a year, and that company isn't even one of the biggest of the big.  Why don't you complain about that? I'll bet he never picked a dirty diaper off the bathroom floor at one of his restaurants. I"ll bet he never got burns on his knuckles from a deep fryer.  You are seriously going to tell me that because he went to a few more years of school, whether it be four or eight, he is worth $4.6 Million while almost all of the people under him make $7.25 an hour?

Capitalism is not perfect. Yes, there is a point where wages would drive up costs, but what  people seem to be not noticing is, the price of everything went up anyways!  Everything got more expensive while the wages stayed the same. It is sad that many of you who fight so hard against this actually had relatives that died fighting for fair wages and a 40 hour work week.  Did you not notice that your grandad probably had one job, your dad probably had two, and now some people have three?  Things are out of seriously out of whack and it's time to look at all solutions.

Still all of this begs the question, why do people fight against it? It seems like it would benefit everyone. I guess people are convinced  of the higher wages/higher prices thing.  Economics prove that that is not always true. Sometimes that extra purchasing power means more sales meaning prices don't have to be raised. Personally I'd rather pay a dime straight for a hamburger than pay that dime to the government who is going to only give a portion of it back to that person in the form of welfare.

Here's some more FACTS from the U.S. Department of Labor.


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