Screw you, The Walking Dead. Not only was that an awful cliffhanger ending, but I don't think we actually got any more show in that 90 minutes; just extra commercials.

“You have no idea how not cool that s--- is.” -Negan. You took the words right out of our mouth.

The Walking Dead Season 5 Photo Daryl

You know who really got beat with that bat? We, the viewers, did.

It was a big bat of "sucks to be you, viewers -- we do what we want!" And it cracked us right over our stupid little heads. I hope at this point you've seen that giant hunk of poo that was The Walking Dead finale.

Here's the scoop: All season long, they teased this wrap up. Then, the whole entire stinking episode was "who is Negan going to kill?" Then, they didn't show it. I quit watching Game of Thrones for less.

Yeah, I know who got it in the comic book, and I think it's going to piss a lot of people off if it doesn't go down the same way on the TV show. Since the TV show is catching up with the comic, they probably need them to synch up

There are people who analyzed the screams and scattered dialogue during the beating and their opinion is that this show will have the same character's death. None of that matters. What matters is that there were a hundred fingers pointing as this episode saying "here it is," then they turned around and said, "but wait..." Hell, even the episode was called "Last Day On Earth."

This episode was a huge hunk of phlegmy zombie spit right in the face of fans. It was the producers and show runners taking advantage of the fans' good will. It could also be a way for them to stretch things out because they're running out of steam and ideas.

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