I guess we have four presidential candidates now and we're about 18 months out.  This is just getting ridiculous.  I wish I could jump into one of those sci-fi deep space sleep pods they have in the movies.

american flag
Natallia Hudyma/Thinkstock

So we have about 18 months of people picking at the current administration and at each other. With the current political environment it is bound to be one of the ugliest campaigns in history.  I say this knowing that certain historical president campaigns included claims up to and including out and out murder.

I think they only thing more ridiculous than these early entries in the race is people choosing up sides at this point. Call me old fashioned by I still believe that candidates should run on issues and not just their ability to attack one another.  I want to hear someone mention infrastructure, education, and the environment. I want to hear what is going to be done about the disappearing middle class. I'm betting I'll hear none of this for about a year, if even then.  Until that time, I guess it's lots and lots of Netflix for me.

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