candy corn

People Keep Saying Texans Love Candy Corn
People Keep Saying Texans Love Candy Corn
People Keep Saying Texans Love Candy Corn
It's two weeks or so until Halloween and everyone seems to be coming up with lists of favorite candy for each state. They even did this on "Good Morning, America" this week. How in the world does Candy Corn keep getting listed as the "Favorite Halloween Candy in Texas" by multiple sources...
9 Facts About Candy Corn
9 Facts About Candy Corn
9 Facts About Candy Corn
Candy corn. We love it. It’s delicious and is the cure to all the world’s problems. Aside from those irrefutable facts, we know nothing about the confectionery delights. Perhaps we should know more. But how, HOW can we learn more?!? Oh interwebs, you’ve rescued us once again!
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Candy Corn
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Candy Corn
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Candy Corn
Every year, it hides in some dark, dank corner of even the most raucous Halloween party, waiting for some unknowing fool to stick their hand in its clutches of doom. It entices its prey with colorful designs and the promise of sweet joy, only to fill its victims with a familiar sense of bland, flavorless dread ...