I have two very important ideas for you to consider as you head out into the unexplained territory that is 2016.

Photo credit:
Christy Thompson

#1. Even in the worst of circumstances a short life with no fear is better than a long life as a coward.

#2. You are also responsible for the quality of your life.

Now let's break these two things down to fear and blame. First off with fear, I'm not talking  erasing feat to the point where you are jumping in the middle or gunfights or driving when drunk. I'm talking irrational fear. Sorry, you probably have a better chance of being bit by a shark than be the victim or a terrorist. Illegal aliens are not going to come over the border and rape you. Refugees are not going to steal your jobs. No one is coming for your guns or taking away your rights. These are all "fears" that the media sells to get you to stay through commercial breaks and click on websites. Oh yeah, some are based on real life situations but the chances of you be affected by them is next to nothing.  You know how you  hear a story every couple years about some guy that falls into a food mixer and dies, or something to that effect? That doesn't mean that there is even a remote chance that it is going to happen to you.  You can't live a happy life constantly looking over your shoulder.  A little fear is a good self defense mechanism, a lot of feat is paralyzing.

Now let's look at blame. The quality of your life is your responsibility. It's your job to break away from the things that are dragging you down, whether it be bad jobs, bad relationships or even "bad luck".  Here's a little secret for you guys, when we see your Facebook feed and we see how one bad thing after another happens to you, we know it has nothing to do with "bad luck", it almost always happens because of bad choices you're making.  In other words, if an airplane engine falls out of the sky onto your house, we'll accept "bad luck" as an excuse. If you keep losing jobs because of this reason or that reason, that's bad choices.  This also goes back to how you let the media influence your thinking. Sorry, the President didn't make up and say "How can I screw up Mark's day?".  You cannot blame presidents, politicians, ex-girlfriends, relatives or anyone else for mucking up your life, you can only blame yourself for letting them. I mean seriously, there are armless people who have learned to play piano with their toes, and you want to complain about how you can't catch a break?  I promise you that right now, as you read this, there are millionaires who had less opportunity than you have right now.

I want to wish each and every one of you a great 2016. Let's kick this negative stuff like fear and blame to the curb. Hug a lot of people too, I promise it will make your life better.

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