If you haven't seen the 2006 Mike Judge movie Idiocracy, do so immediately. It is the most underrated movie of our time and I refer to it more than any other movie ever made.

What? Have you watched Idiocracy already? If you haven't, go do that first then come back and read this. Geez.

One of the signs of the decay of civilization in Idiocracy is that in the future all clothing is advertisement. Not just in the sense that a Polo shirt has a Polo emblem on it. It's a commentary on the nature of crass commercialism that people in the future only wear garments that are decked out with more ads than a NASCAR car.

Judgemental Films

I think the only thing Mike Judge was wrong about was how long the process of Idiocritization will take. In the movie, it takes 500 years for things to devolve to this point. In the real world, we may already be there.

Behold! I give you ... Hut Swag!

Hut Swag
Hut Swag
Hut Swag

Pizza is bae??? What? What does that even mean? It won't be long before they take the pattern you see on that pillow case, slap it on a set of one-size-fits-all pajamas and then everybody can drink Brawndo and spend all day watching "Ow! My Balls!" until they feel the need to break for a Gentleman's Latte at Starbucks (start at 45 seconds):


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