I often wondered about the idea that eating chocolate could kill your dog. I find it odd that something that has the basic anatomy that we do, couldn't handle chocolate.  I mean, we are at least both mammals and I never heard of a dog missing an organ or something that humans have. So anyways, I Googled this up and found out, it is true, but a little unlikely.


The smaller the dog and the darker the chocolate the worse it is for your dog.  But if you have a big dog, it would take a a lot of  chocolate to make them sick.  If your dog is acting normal, do nothing. If they start having seizures or vomiting, then it's time to call a vet.  The substance that is toxic to dogs is theobromine and it is worst in those bars of chocolate you use for baking and whatnot.  Now little amounts of those can be bad and even deadly to your dog, but your dog is not very likely to come in contact with those. It's still not good for your dog to maw down on a Hershey bar, but chances are that is won't even have enough theobromine to make your dog puke on your shoes.

So to simplify this, when your dog steals your candy bar wrapper or your kid gives them a chunk of a snickers, chances are it won't even phase your mutt. DO, however, keep your baking chocolate put away.

If you want to look into this a little further, I actually found a "chocolate toxicity meter" that you can look at for further clarification.

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